Many of you will have woken up to the devastating news that police have seized over thirty pieces of rhino horn valuing approximately R23 million at OR Tambo International Airport yesterday. This consignment, weighing in at 116kg’s, was off to Dubai, final destination being the Middle East.
According to Global Conservation over 1000 Park Rangers die every 10 years protecting our parks and wildlife. The statistics during 2018 alone are staggering. SATIB, together with the GRAA, endeavor to make the rangers of Africa safer and provide them with the necessary protection they need to comfortably and confidently perform their duties in the field. We also recognise that for rangers to confidently perform their duties in the field, they need adequate insurance protection, knowing that if they are wounded in the line of duty, they will receive adequate support. Apart from their own welfare, rangers seek to have their families supported, should an unfortunate event occur. We offer a unique product, offering cover 24/7, even when rangers are off duty. This serves as a primary or additional source of cover for them.
There are an estimated 20 000 rangers in Africa. Our product covers rangers in South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Mozambique, Angola, Kenya, Tanzania & Uganda with further territories being introduced in time.
At the end of 2018, we added an additional 367 rangers to the #rangerprotect policy, bringing the total amount on cover to 1367. Help to protect Africa’s rangers with #RangerProtect insurance cover #SupportAfricasRangers #UniteBehindAfricasRangers #ProudToBeARanger #Insurance
For further information on how you can support rangers in the field, please contact us at