
Insurance in a post-pandemic world
Jump to webinar recording Insurance, like so many other things, looks very different in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic. In a recent SATIB webinar,

SATIB24: Incident Management in Africa
Jump to webinar recording Medical emergencies are always complex, given the number of individuals and entities involved. But when those emergencies happen in Africa, another

Coming back strong: Recovery after an incident
Jump to webinar recording It’s every business owner’s responsibility to do everything in their power to prevent unfortunate incidents from taking place. Unfortunately, as COVID

Incident Management 101 – How to Respond in a Crisis
Jump to webinar recording Incidents happen, and often despite your best efforts to prevent them from occurring in the first place. The question is, are

Ready, Steady, Go: Are You Prepared for the Summer Season?
Jump to webinar recording As summer swiftly approaches, bringing with it the long school holidays and much needed end-of-year breaks, travel – both domestic and